Observation points
Some beautiful observation points are compiled below.
Place | Best time | Nature experience |
Schelingen, Kirchberg or Ihringen, vineyards above the cemetery | May to July | Numerousbee-eaters regularly nest in the loess cliffs of the Schelingen Kirchberg and in the Ihringen vineyards. Binoculars are required to get the best view of the colourful animals. |
Old Vogtsburg, stairway to the pavilion | March | Experience theflowering of the pasque flower on the slopes of the Badberg! After a few minutes' walk uphill to the hut in the direction of Schelingen and you will see flowering pasqueflowers on the left of the path. The pasque flower is also still widespread or has re-established itself on the Ohrberg near Schelingen at Alt-Vogtsburg, the Abtsweingarten near Ihringen, the Lasenberg near Bötzingen, the Liliental and a large slope near Wasenweiler. |
Vineyards above Oberbergen at Langeneck | April, May | Emerald lizards are very common on the slopes of the small-terraced vineyards, but only appear when temperatures are cool and the sun is shining. Emerald lizards can also be seen on the slopes of the "Badloch". |
Rheinaue near Burkheim at Sponeck | May | Nightingales and the oriole can often be heard in the early morning hours. An early, atmospheric walk there is worthwhile! |
Lily Valley near Ihringen | May / June | 23orchid species are currently present and can be viewed very well from the paths. |
Vogelsang Pass in the direction of Haselschacher Buck, Alt-Vogtsburg | July | A particularly large number ofbutterflies can be seen along the paths through the Haselschacher Buck and Badberg nature reserves. You don't have to wait long on the highest knolls to spot the swallowtail, which has its "rendezvous spot" here. |
Oberrotweil, vine slopes on the Baßgeige | August | Evening soundscape with the wine cockerel, an inconspicuous-looking flower cricket with a Mediterranean-like, melodic sound |
South-facing vine slopes in the Abtsweingarten near Ihringen | March - September | Thousands of small white snailslitter the barren large slopes - if you want to collect empty snail shells here with children, you will have a lot to do and a lot of fun! |
Frequent throughout the Kaiserstuhl in old grass on south-facing slopes. | September, early October | Thepraying mantis is common in many places in the Kaiserstuhl. At Wasenweiler, near the water reservoir, it lives on the south-facing grassy slopes. To spot them, you have to roam through the grass to see the large animals moving around. |
Niederrotweil Quarry | September/October | Impressive, very deep phonolite quarry andoccurrence of the red-winged and blue-winged grasshopper. The grasshoppers fly up with their crimson and blue wings, and are again very well camouflaged like the rock after landing. |
Büchsenberg between Achkarren and Niederrotweil | Beginning of June | Thediptam with its striking pink flower panicles is a feast for the eyes! Thousands of these plants bloom in the sparse downy oak forests and along the paths. |
Sasbach, Limberg | All year round | Lava flows can be seen very well from the paths in the quarries. |
Sasbach, Lützelberg | all year round | Directly behind the village is the Lützelberg, which is an experience all year round. The dry grasslands are home to numerous rare plants and animals.Emerald lizards can be easily seen here. |