Wine knowledge
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Wine in the Kaiserstuhl Naturgarten
Between Freiburg and the Rhine Valley rises the small volcanic mountain range of the Kaiserstuhl, which was shaped into a unique cultivated landscape in the past.
The Kaiserstuhl offers ideal climatic and geological conditions for vines. It is the warmest and sunniest area, not only in Baden, but in the whole of Germany.
The Kaiserstuhl has a wine-growing area of approx. 4200 ha. The most important grape variety is the Spätburger with a cultivated area of 40%. The Müller Thurgau and the Gauburgunder with a cultivated area of 20% are not unimportant. Pinot Blanc holds an area of about 10%. The soil in the Kaiserstuhl is characterised by volcanic weathering and loess and is particularly fertile.
Wine connoisseurs like to call the Tuniberg "Burgundy oasis". Not for nothing, because Burgundy wines such as Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir account for around 70% of all the vines grown in the Tuniberg. The remaining 30 % is shared by Müller-Thurgau, Chardonnay, the bouquet varieties Gewürztraminer and Muskateller, as well as Sauvignon Blanc. The Solaris grape variety is cultivated in particular for the production of the "Neue Süßen" (new sweet) in the autumn season. The Tuniberg has a total vineyard area of 1070 hectares. (Source: Tuniberg Wein e.V.)
Find the right winefor you in the Kaiserstuhl Nature Garden!